
BOC Pensioners’ Association

Composition of the Committee of Management

The following shall form the Committee of Management:-

a) Office Bearers (9)

i. President

ii. Three (3) Vice Presidents

iii. General Secretary

iv. Two (2) Assistant Secretaries

v. Treasurer

vi. Assistant Treasurer

b) Immediate Past President (Ex-officio)

c) Committee Members (11)

Composition of a District Branch Committee

The following shall form the Committee of a District Branch:

a) Office Bearers

i. President

ii. Vice President

iii. Secretary

iv. Treasurer

v. Assistant Secretary

vi. Assistant Treasurer

b) Immediate past President (Ex-Officio)

c ) Committee Members

Six (6) Committee members

Functions of a District Branch

i. To elect, at an Annual General Meeting, one representative for every twenty (20) members and part thereof as its Representatives to form the Central Committee of the Association.

Such Representatives shall include any member/s of the District Branch Committee only if elected by its membership as such representatives and not by virtue of being in the Committee of the District Branch.

The Secretary shall inform the General Secretary of the Association
in writing the names of the District Branch’s elected Representatives
to the Central Committee within Four (04) days.

ii. To represent matters to the Committee of Management relating to

a. Pensions, Medical, Loan, Welfare and Services and other issues effecting members

b. Association’s Welfare and Social Schemes.

iii. To decide on matters concerning the members of its own District Branch relating to Welfare and Social activities subject to conditions and limitations stated in Article. 26 (iv) below.

Iv. To grant short term recoverable financial assistance to its own members using the funds of the District Branch on terms and conditions approved for each District Branch by and at the sole discretion of the Committee of Management.

v. To promote good fellowship among its own members and the Bank staff of Branches within the District/s.

vi. To submit to the Committee of Management quarterly reports and
other reports as and when requested.

Composition of the Committee of the Region / Zone

The Committee of the Region / Zone shall comprise of

i) Office Bearers, namely

a. President

b. Vice President

c. Secretary

d. Assistant Secretary

e. Treasurer

f. Assistant Treasurer

ii) Immediate Past President (Ex-Officio)

iii) Committee Members

The number of committee members shall be a minimum of five (5)
and a maximum of twenty (20) on the basis of one committee member
per 10 members.



i. Promote mutual understanding and friendship among the members of
the Region / Zone.

ii. Improve the welfare of the members in the Region / Zone.

iii. Represent matters of importance and issues of such members to the relevant District Branch.

iv. Maintain cordial relationships with Management and staff of Bank of Ceylon branches within the area covered by the Region / Zone.

v. Enable the Pensioners to act as a group of social activists.

vi. Promote and create a happy, carefree group of Pensioners with a
healthy lifestyle.

Composition of the DDF Committee

The DDF Committee shall comprise of

a) Office Bearers who are:

i) President

ii) Vice President

iii) Secretary

iv) Assistant Secretary

v) Treasurer

vi) Assistant Treasurer

b) Five (5) other committee members


1. To provide financial assistance on the demise of a member/spouse of the member of the Bank of Ceylon Pensioners’ Death Donation Fund in a sum to be decided upon from time to time by the Central Committee of the Bank of Ceylon Pensioners’ Association at an Annual General Meeting / Special General Meeting.

2. To provide financial assistance on the demise of the member of the Bank of Ceylon Pensioners’ Widow’s and Widower’s Death Donation Fund in a sum to be decided upon from time to time by the Central Committee of the Bank of Ceylon Pensioners’ Association at an Annual General Meeting / Special General Meeting.

3. To be of assistance to the family of the demised member during the period of final rites and thereafter.

Calling proposals for the AGM of Superannuation Funds