About Us

BOC Pensioners’ Association

Our Vision

Cares members for lifetime





Our Mission

Is to;

  • Create broad awareness and enthusiasm among members for a successful retirement life.
  • Promote the welfare of its members in Districts and Regions.
  • Create a healthy relationship among members.
  • Promote a good fellowship and build up team spirit.
  • Create a drive and empower the teams in districts; to build a strong unity for collective action and achievements.
  • Create a fruitful relationship with the Bank of Ceylon and its staff.
  • Formulate effective initiatives, strategies, and committees to win the demands of pension, medical, loans, etc.
  • Maintain an efficient portfolio management system for all funds to earn an optimum ROI
  • Form collaboration together organizations with similar motives. (E.g. pensioners’ organizations in other state banks)
  • Engage in economic, Social and Welfare activities


for the interest of the members, the association at large and the public.

Corporate Values


The objectives of the Association shall be to:

i. Promote the welfare of its members and to create a healthy relationship among its members as well as the Bank of Ceylon (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”)

ii) Promote, safeguard and further the interests, rights and privileges of the members

iii) Promote good fellowship among its members.

iv) Permit the Committee of Management and the District Branches and Decentralized Entities of District Branches to engage in General, Social and Welfare activities in the interest of the members and the public subject to limitations and conditions relating to “Welfare Activities exclusively in the interest of the Public”



Calling proposals for the AGM of Superannuation Funds