The Demise of Mrs. Kusum Karunatilaka

We sadly announce the demise of Mrs. Kusum Karunatilaka our member (Wife of Mr. K.Karunathilaka also member of Pannipitiya region) passed away .

Remains will lie at Jayarathna Florists ,” Lotus Hall ” Borella from today 6.0 p.m. to 10.0 p.m and tomorrow (03/02/2024) 8.0 a.m. to 3.0 pm.

The remains will be taken to Borella Cemetery at 3.30 pm. for cremation.

Information , 0714424054
Mr. K. Karunathilaka

K B S P Bandara,Secretary
Pensioners’ Association,Pannipitiya Region

Calling proposals for the AGM of Superannuation Funds